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Our Cattle

We specialize in breeding and raising commercial Black Angus cattle for replacement heifers, young herd bulls, and high-performing program steers and heifers. 

Staying up to speed on the industry's top genetics in order to continuously improve our bloodlines is a huge contributing factor to the stellar cattle produced here at Big Creek.  

We rigorously hand-pick our breeding stock to ensure good body composition and docility. 


Ease of interaction for both our cattle and their future owners is of upmost importance to us. As such, we socialize and cube-break our cattle from little on to promote stress-free penning and moving. 

We strive to remain cutting-edge on vaccination programs starting from birth to give our calves the best opportunity to thrive as they mature. Their genetics speak for themselves, and no growth hormones are used at Big Creek - ever. 

Though we primarily specialize in Black Angus, we also offer limited quantities of Red Angus and Black Motley-Faced cattle. 

Delivery of purchased animals available subject to private treaty!

It is our mission to offer top-quality animals at competitive prices! 

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